Big Doodle Dreams
Robin Crubaugh
59 Deerwood Trail Road
Blairsville GA 30512

Health Guarantee Contract

Big Doodle Dreams


Date of birth _______________________

Color____________________ Male or Female

Buyer’s Name:____________________________________ Email:_____________________________

Phone #____________________________

Purchase Price ______________________

Microchip # _________________________


1. Big Doodle Dreams, Robin Crubaugh, shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Seller“. The original purchasing party, and solely the original purchasing party, shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Buyer“.

2. The Buyer must have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within five days of receipt of the puppy excluding Sunday and holidays. A copy of the examination (vet report) must be sent to the Seller by e-mail or postal mail within ten days of receipt of the puppy. Failure to comply will render this guarantee void.

3. The Buyer is responsible for the daily health care and maintenance of the pet, including all immunizations and examinations recommended after purchase, as well as providing necessary medication and follow-up treatments from veterinarian visits. In order for the guarantee to remain in effect you must keep receipts and records to verify that you have taken your pet to a duly licensed veterinarian for checkups and all required immunizations.

4. In the unlikely event of the death of the puppy within two years from its birth due to genetics, the Breeder shall replace the pet with another of equivalent value at no cost to the Buyer within 160 days. All conditions set forth in paragraph 16 apply.

5. If the Buyer declines the replacement puppy, then the Seller shall be under no further obligation and it will be deemed that the Buyer has released the Seller from any and all further claims.

6. In the case of severe knee, elbow or hip dysplasia, the radiograph should be permanently identified in the film emulsion with: registered microchip, name of the veterinarian or hospital making the film, date of radiograph taken. Furthermore, the radiograph and report must meet OFAs standard submission requirements.

7. The value of the puppy for the purpose of this guarantee is solely the original purchase price of the puppy, if a puppy with a higher price is desired as a replacement then the buyer will be responsible for the difference in price.

8. This guarantee is non-transferable to another party should the puppy be sold or given away.

9. All puppies are sold as pets; no guarantee is made as to disposition, conformation, size, weight, color, markings or breeding ability.

10. Parent dogs are registered through AKC and/or CKC, puppy is sold as a pet and will not have AKC/CKC registration papers. No breeding rights, if the dog is bred the buyer will owe the seller $5,000 for each litter whether it's planned or unplanned.

11. The seller makes every effort to provide (text/email) accurate and up-to-date information on the puppies as they grow and individual pics/info once you have met/chosen your puppy.

12. In the event of any litigation in connection with this contract, both the Seller and Buyer shall each be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs. The venue and jurisdiction for litigation arising out of or related to this contract shall lie exclusively in Union County, Georgia. In the event the Buyer prevails in litigation, the total awarded value shall not exceed the value of the original purchase price.

13. An administrative fee of $300.00 shall be retained by the Seller should the Buyer decide to cancel anytime prior to shipping. This fee is to reimburse the Seller for out-of-pocket expenses and overhead costs associated with the transaction.

14. The puppy is to be picked up by the buyer (not a friend, neighbor, etc). Every day beyond 9 wks and 6 days a fee of $10 per day will be paid to the seller for the additional care of the puppy.

15. The Seller will not accept any returns of said puppy for any monetary refund, including but not limited to allergy, Landlord/Tenant, marital, or adjustment problems, etc. The seller will assist the buyer in finding a new home for the puppy should the buyer wish to re-home the puppy.

Limitations of Two year guarantee

16. The Seller defines a “two year guarantee” period, herein referred to as from the puppy’s date of birth. The dog must be in good physical condition. In the unlikely event said puppy is found to have a congenital or genetic defect that is life-threatening, a statement from 2 different licensed DVMs (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) of buyer’s choosing confirming such an event and case is required before any action will be taken by the Seller. Seller reserves the right to a third opinion of Seller’s choosing to determine the congenital defect. If this guarantee is exercised and a replacement puppy is given then the original puppy may be kept or returned to the Seller at the Buyer’s expense. All shipping costs are paid by the Buyer. No replacement will be given if the dog has been bred. All laboratory verification must be done by a licensed DVM. No replacement will be given if breeds that are known to be prone to hip dysplasia are overweight or over exercised. Failure of the Buyer to provide a puppy with timely inoculations or regular veterinary care will void this guarantee. This guarantee does not cover any Veterinarian costs. The Buyer is aware that owning a puppy means frequent visits to a Licensed Veterinarian and understands that he/she will be responsible for all payment. This guarantee does not cover any of the following conditions: intestinal parasite (Coccidiosis, Giardia, Skin Mites, Mange (Sarcoptic, Demodectic or Cheyletiella), Cherry Eye, Allergies, Herniations (Inguinal, Perineal, or Diaphragmatic), Heart Murmur grades I, or II, Patella Luxation grades I, or II, and seizures. This guarantee does not cover any Veterinarian costs associated with spaying or neutering, including un-descended testes. All dogs must not be over exercised during their growth period. Over exercising is as follow: running with the dog (slow jog up to 1 mile is appropriate) or jumping the dog before it’s joints are mature enough to handle it (no agility course or agility training). All the above mentioned conditions must be met or guarantees above mentioned will be void. Temperament issues are not covered under this guarantee as they can be caused by a lack of training, discipline or proper dog socialization. The owner is responsible for all transportation costs to and from the Seller. If within two years from the date of purchase from Seller, a dog is found and certified by two duly licensed Veterinarian doctors to have congenital or hereditary disorders which adversely affect the health of the animal, and if the Seller is notified with five business days of the veterinarians determination, the Seller will provide a replacement puppy of equivalent value. The Seller is not responsible for any veterinarian fees, shipping costs or any other associated costs. Seller does not guarantee against low-blood sugar (Hypoglcemia), or any other non-life threatening illnesses common to puppies. This contract is not valid outside the United States.

17. This agreement represents the total agreement between the Seller and the Buyer and no other terms or conditions shall be valid to this sale. The Buyer has read this agreement and agrees to the terms and conditions herein.

I, ___________________________, the Purchaser of a puppy from Big Doodle Dreams, hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this document. Further, I accept the terms and conditions of the guarantee for congenital or hereditary disorders printed in this document, and I waive and relinquish any other rights that I might otherwise have in the event of such occurrence. This agreement represents the total agreement between Big Doodle Dreams, Robin Crubaugh, and the buyer and not other terms or conditions shall be valid to this sale.

Buyer's Signature________________________________

Seller's Signature________________________________


Date of Sale______________________________